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- The Delta Democrat-Times (1943), “Editorial: We Owe Them More … ” February 25, page 8.
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- Erickson, Charles W. (2013). “More on the Memmingen Mission: Charles W. Erickson’s Personal Experience.” 483rd Bombardment Group (H) Association Newsletter, 36:3, September, 5-6.
- 483rd Bombardment Group – Official Records – Microfilm roll B0642, Maxwell AFB, Alabama (provided by B. Guttery) – Proposed First Citation folder (for the Memmingen Airdrome mission).
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- Air Force Historical Research Agency: https://www.afhra.af.mil/
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- Aviation Cadet Training Program (USAAF): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aviation_Cadet_Training_Program_(USAAF)
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- National Archives: https://www.archives.gov/
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- World War II Flight Training Museum: https://wwiiflighttraining.org/
- Online resources (behind paywalls) include: Newspapers.com, fold3.com, ancestry.com and NewspaperArchive.com
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- International Bomber Command Centre, Digital Archive.
- Online Museum of Prisoners of War.
- Peenemunde Historical Technical Museum.
- Stalag Luft I, Registered Support Association in Germany.
- The National WWII Museum – Liberation of Stalag Luft 1 and Operation Revival.
- ‘POW WOW‘ newspaper (Stalag Luft I) [recovered from Merkki.com].
- 392nd Bomb Group, Stalag Luft 1.
- Videos of Evacuation of Stalag Luft 1 prisoners.
- Welcome to POW Camp Stalag Luft 1 Barth Germany.
- World War II – Prisoners of War – Merkki – Stalag Luft 1 [no longer active].
- B-17 Flying Fortress Database: https://www.facebook.com/b17flyingfortress.de
- Fans of the B-17 Flying Fortress: https://www.facebook.com/groups/9261317727
- 483rd Bombardment Group Heavy: https://www.facebook.com/groups/923392188102686/
- Foggia Airfield complex (Italy): https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100070899618692
- Memphis Belle Memorial Association: https://www.facebook.com/groups/B17MemphisBelle/
- Stalag Luft 1 POW Camp – Barth, Germany: https://www.facebook.com/groups/184371338851459
- Missing Air Crew Reports, National Archives – Hildreth crew: #6953.
- Collection of Foreign Records Seized: Downed Allied Aircraft Report, National Archives, Record Group 242 – Hildreth crew: ME-1616.
- Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, Historical Division (1943), Initial Selection of Candidates for Pilot, Bombardier, and Navigator Training, Army Air Forces Historical Studies, No. 2
- Army Air Forces, Aviation Psychology Program, Research Reports:
- DuBois, Philip H., editor (1947). The Classification Program, Report No. 2.
- Melton, Arthur W., editor (1947). Apparatus Tests, Report No. 4.
- Guilford, J.P. and John I. Lacey, editors (1947). Printed Classification Tests, Report No. 5.
- Army Air Forces Statistical Digest, World War II
- Ashcroft, Bruce (2005). “We Wanted Wings: A History of the Aviation Cadet Program.” HQ AETC Office of History and Research.
- B-17 Bombing Formation Training Film.
- B-17 Flying Fortress Bombing Mission Film.
- Burwell, Robert R. (1957). “Historical Review of Aircrew Selection: Development of Psychologic Selection of Pilots in the United States Air Force and Predecessor Organizations in the United States Army.” Air University, School of Aviation Medicine USAF, Randolph AFB, Texas.
- ‘Combat America’ with Clark Gable (1944) [USAAF ‘Training’ Movie of 351st Bombardment Group (Heavy)]
- Commanding General of the Army Air Forces [H.H. ‘Hap’ Arnold] (1945). “The Mediterranean Theater,” Second Report of the Commanding General of the Army Air Forces to the Secretary of War. Washington, DC: War Department, February 27, 37-47.
- England, Arthur O. and Harry Laurent, Jr. (1945). “What is Classification,” Headquarters, AAF Eastern Flying Training Command, Maxwell Field, Alabama. Reprinted in The Journal of Experimental Education (1946), 14:4, pp. 317-333.
- Ennels, Jerome A., Robert B. Kane and Silvano A. Wueschner (2018). Cradle of Airpower: An Illustrated History of Maxwell Air Force Base 1918-2018. Montgomery, AL: Air University Press.
- Kooker, Arthur R. “The Foundations of a War Training Program,” Chapter 14 (pp. 454-487) in Craven, Wesley Frank and James Lea Cate, Editors, The Army Air Forces in World War II, Volume Six, Men and Planes. Washington, DC: Office of Air Force History, 1983.
- 483rd Bombardment Group – Official Records – Microfilm roll B0642, Maxwell AFB, Alabama (provided by B. Guttery). [Contact us if you would like the 1,901 page PDF file.]
- 483rd Bombardment Group Archive, Museum of Aviation, Robbins AFB, Georgia.
- Little, Donald D., editor (1968). Combat Crew Rotation: World War II and Korean War, Historical Studies Branch, USAF Historical Division, Aerospace Studies Institute, Air University, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, January.
- Palmer, Allan MD (1944). “Survey of Battle Casualties, Eight Air Force, June, July and August 1944,” in Beyer, James C. , Editor, Wound Ballistics (Washington, DC: Medical Department, United States Army), 547-611 . [See Table 184 on page 558 for battle casualties by B-17 crew positions. Here is a chart derived from that table, but see alternative data analysis].
- Stuttgart Army Air Field (1943). Final Approach: Class 43-H. Stuttgart, Arkansas: Stuttgart Army Air Field.
- The Corps of Aviation Cadets of the Pre-Flight School for Pilots, Maxwell Field, Alabama (1943). Preflight: The Class of 43-H. Montgomery, AL: The Paragon Press.
- The Greenville Army Flying School, Greenville, Mississippi (1942).
- The Latest Poop (biweekly newspaper), 483rd Bomb Group.
- War Department, United States Army Morning Reports, ca. 1912-1946.
- Albrecht, Martin and Helga Radau. Stalag Luft I in Barth: British and American Prisoner of War in Pomerania 1940 to 1945 [Translated Title] (Germany: Thomas Helms Verlag Publishing).
- Arct, Bohdan (1988). Prisoner of War: My Secret Journal, Squadron Leader B. Arct, Stalag Luft 1, Germany 1944-45. Exeter, Devon UK: Webb & Bower.
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- McGarry, James M. (1995). In and Above the Olive Groves: The Personal Remembrances of a World War II B-17 Pilot. Ballston Lake, NY: Gregory McGarry.
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- Neilson, Robert P. (2017). A Bomber Pilot’s Story: The George H. Neilson World War II Memoirs. Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse.
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- Reus, Joseph H. (2011). Kriesgefangemer: War Prisoner. Edgewater, Fl: Atlantis Productions.
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- Wagner Melching: https://www.flickr.com/photos/sdasmarchives/albums/72157690177694885/
- Parke W. Moewe: https://www.danielsww2.com/page27.html
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- Allen E. Penrose: https://www.gocolumbia.edu/library/stories/penrose/penrose.php
- Stanton Rickey: https://b17alliance.com/living-history/
- Leon Waldman: https://youtu.be/Gs82YgHYwNM?feature=shared
- Len Walker (including Stalag Luft I): https://youtu.be/Yb8eZWBzYR8?feature=shared
- Harry Whye: https://bellevue.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/01BUN_INST/1jbe57m/alma991004455297007376
- Winthrop Worcestor: https://www.ideastream.org/news/grandpas-war
We extend our thanks to all the people who helped us make this website as complete as possible, including those individuals, organizations or websites cited in these pages as well as K. McAdams, J. Crawley, B. Crawley, M. Rowland, J. Hattaway, M.A. Swearingen, J. H. Hildreth’s family, J. Deters, S. Haugh, P. Butler, D. Marano, D. Pedersen, J. Hollis, P. Bunke, B. Guttery, R. Benedett, M. Whye, J. Peck, P. Squires and others. Timothy Parrott provided translation services. We appreciate the Museum of Aviation at Warner Robbins Air Force Base providing access to the archives of the 483rd Bombardment Group (Heavy). A special thanks is extended to the National Personnel Records Center of the National Archives for providing Personnel and Medical Records.
We are honored that the United States Library of Congress includes this website in its Local History and Genealogy Web Archive.
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